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Web Tests

Below, you can find a list of available web tests.

Note: Tests are multiple choice and there can be more than one correct answer for each question. There is a one hour time limit. Do not take the same test in the same day. If you failed, you can retake the test next day.

Introduction to Standard ERP Take the test
Cash Flow Management in Standard ERP Take the test
Contracts in Standard ERP Take the test
CRM in Standard ERP Take the test
Standard ERP - Document Management Take the test
Easy Reporting in Standard ERP Take the test
Fixed Assets in Standard ERP Take the test
Accounting Basic in Standard ERP Take the test
Accounting Advanced in Standard ERP Take the test
Form Templates in Standard ERP Take the test
Hansa Application Language - Basic Take the test
HansaWorld Implementation Methodology Take the test
Job Costing in Standard ERP Take the test
HansaWorld Key Account Management (KAM) Take the test
Logistics Advanced in Standard ERP Take the test
Logistics Purchase in Standard ERP Take the test
Logistics Sales in Standard ERP Take the test
Point Of Sales in Standard ERP Take the test
Rental in Standard ERP Take the test
HansaWorld Rapid Implementation Methodology (RIM) Take the test
HansaWorld Sales Methodology: Mastering ERP Sales Take the test
Sales Ledger in Standard ERP Take the test
Service Orders in Standard ERP Take the test
System Adminstration in Standard ERP Take the test
Advanced System Administration in Standard ERP Take the test
Telephony in Standard ERP Take the test
Tips & Tricks in Standard ERP Take the test
Webshop and CMS in Standard ERP Take the test
Year End in Standard ERP Take the test
Information Security 2024 Exam Contact us for date.
MyStandard Portal (For Partners) Take the test
MyStandard Portal (For HW Employees) Take the test
Business Alerts and Approval Rules in Standard ERP Take the test
Cash Book and Expenses in Standard ERP Take the test
Consolidation in Standard ERP Take the test
Stock Cost Accounting in Standard ERP Take the test
Email and Conferences in Standard ERP Take the test
Hotel in Standard ERP Take the test
Production in Standard ERP Take the test
Workflow Overview in Standard ERP Take the test
Test Yourself: Business Alerts and Approval Rules in SERP (3 ques.) Take the test
Test Yourself: Introduction to Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Cash Flow Management in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Cash Book and Expenses in SERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Consolidation in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Stock Cost Accounting in SERP (3 questions)
Take the test
Test Yourself: CRM in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Document Management in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Email and Conferences in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Easy Reporting in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Fixed Assets in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Accounting Basic in Standard ERP (3 questions)
Take the test
Test Yourself: Accounting Advanced in Standard ERP (3 questions)
Take the test
Test Yourself: Form Design in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: HansaWorld Implementation Methodology (3 ques.) Take the test
Test Yourself: Job Costing in Standard ERP (3 questions)
Take the test
Test Yourself: Logistics Purchase in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Logistics Sales in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: MyStandard Portal (3 questions, For Partners) Take the test
Test Yourself: MyStandard Portal (3 questions, For HW Employees) Take the test
Test Yourself: Production in Standard ERP (3 questions)
Take the test
Test Yourself: Sales Ledger in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Workflow Overview in SERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Service Orders in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: System Admin in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Advanced System Admin in Standard ERP (3 ques.) Take the test
Test Yourself: Telephony in Standard ERP (3 questions)
Take the test
Test Yourself: Tips & Tricks in Standard ERP (3 questions) Take the test
Test Yourself: Webshop in Standard ERP (3 ques.) Take the test
Test Yourself: Year End in Standard ERP (3 questions)
Take the test