Dear friends!
On behalf of the HansaWorld team, we wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New
Year. We are blessed to have the best customers and partners. You have been
motivating us to keep improving our products and services for over 30 years.
Thank you all for sharing this journey with us!
The year 2021 was challenging for businesses around the world. It makes us feel
an even bigger responsibility to make sure you have access to the cutting-edge
ERP software that helps you optimize your business processes and keeps your
teams more effective. Let us take this opportunity to share some of our this
year's accomplishments with you:
HansaWorld was proudly recognised as one of Top 10 Companies Revolutionising
Retail in 2021 by Industry Tech Insights Magazine;
Group calls have been introduced in Standard ERP's Telephony to make your
remote work even more efficient;
Standard ERP's Hotel Module has been upgraded with several new reports
giving you more insight into your business;
Resource Planner got more colour options to make everyday activities more
user friendly;
Data Integrity Module has been introduced, containing a number of reports
that will help track down the cause of any mismatch between the Nominal
Ledger and a Sub System;
Standard ERP's Restaurant got enhanced with Supervisor Settings and
Nutritious Facts — for going the extra mile;
Several partnerships were established in Africa and Brazil and we look
forward to the upcoming development projects with them.
Long-awaited Global Bank reconciliation improvements have been delivered;
Our award-winning virtual assistant Anna got an upgrade — she is capable of
performing operations in Standard ERP through voice commands in different
languages now.
We are looking forward to the coming year and wish you that you and your
families can accomplish all the dreams you have. We leave you with this warm
greeting, wishing you one more time a beautiful Christmas.
Your team at HansaWorld